Welcome to the City of Olathe Online Utility Account Access.
You can be registered and viewing your bills/transactions within seconds in 5 easy steps. Just locate your current bill and follow these steps. If you have multiple accounts with us, any one account will do. All other accounts will be added automatically after you register.
Sample Bill
You have already registered but you have forgotten your username. Have no fear! Simply click on the Forgot Username link found below the login area and you will be prompted for the email you used when you registered. You will be sent an email with your username, it's that simple.
You have forgotten your password. Simply click on the Password link found below the login area and you will be prompted for your username. You will be sent an email with a verification link to update your password.
Not a registered user? In a hurry and have no time to log into the site or register today? The Pay Now feature will redirect you directly to our secure third party payment provider so you can pay your bill within seconds.